FELIX 3.1 – better than ever
September 17, 2015
3D products from Milan
October 28, 2015Contract packaging of liquids, creams and semi-liquids
Unit Pack is a contract packager of liquids, creams, and semi-liquids for single dose and sample use. Their unit-of-use pouches are manufactured with high-barrier films that provide excellent protection from oxygen, water, and other contaminants. The product ensures a long shelf-life and our hot-stamped printing guarantees graphics that will not scratch, smear, or fade.
Utilizing 3D printing technology for fabrication
Since Unit Pack’s founding in 1964, the vast majority of our production machinery has been designed and built in-house. Recently, Unit Pack has utilized 3D printing technology to fabricate many of their custom parts that were previously manufactured with traditional milling techniques.
From replacing parts, to fabricating components
The company knew about 3D printing technologies for some time. In recent years, as the costs of printers dropped and their accuracy improved, Unit pack incentivized to buy their first initial FELIXprinter. Unit Pack has moved beyond replacements parts and are now fabricating components that would have been impossible for them to manufacture with traditional machines in-house.